Working always Working

September 11, 2018

Trying to keep on top of drawing designs, scheduling clients, inventory, ordering supplies, and tattooing can overwhelm me sometimes. Hence no blog the past few days. I worked in some cloud fill on what I believe is session number six on this particular sleeve. We should be done on his next session. Sad story – he was telling me he was on a camping trip with a lady friend last week and while they were camping her house burned down.  Crazy!

Next I started a Dodge Challenger tattoo on an old friend who I owe this tattoo because he installed the lift kit on my Jeep like 5 or 6 months ago. He’s got another session next week. Nice to finally square up.

Here’s a few designs I drew up this week. I don’t really do old school traditional, so that reaper is a cross between two designs I found online and then redrew. And the paw print is a no-go so I have to see what else I can do to make it more to the client’s liking.

Today I continued work on the massive half-sleeve coverup. There was a green demon on his shoulder (picture of it is in a previous blog post) and it got covered in peacock feathers today. Next will probably be a koi fish on the tricep.

And I started designing a forearm piece of honeysuckle and a hummingbird. Probably hard to see without color, but this is going to be a chore to tattoo!


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