I finished round two on an addition to a wrist tattoo of a rose. Looking at it now I can see some things that need touching up. No big deal, had I kept going I think I would have run the risk of overworking the skin. She has more tattoos lined up in the future so I’ll do some refining on this one next time. She was excited today because someone bought their dump truck that’s been sitting in her yard all summer. Oh and she was cheating at her fit bit while I was tattooing her haha.
Yesterday I worked some more on the guy who installed my Jeep lift. The car was still healing (it’s only been a week) so I worked around it doing muscles and skin. He’ll be back in a couple weeks and I’ll finish up detailing the car.
I sketched up some new stuff for my client who’s getting a full sleeve with a coverup. He’s got two sessions in so far and he’s due back this week, so I sent him this sketch idea and he liked it. Game plan is in place.