It’s been over a year since my last post. Scary health issues were partly to blame, and hopefully an extreme diet change and more exercise has alleviated them. I’m in a much better place now, so let’s look at some work I’ve done.

Dwayne Boothe commissioned me to create an oil painting depicting a cyberpunk-style duel. I utilized a favorite process of mine involving hiring models to participate in photo shoots to get my reference materials, thereby avoiding any copyright infringements.

Electra Capurro and Koda Roberson (who made his own outfit) provided excellent reference poses for me.

My son Kaleb Deegan joined the United States Army and headed to Missouri for boot camp in February 2024. As of this post he is doing well and is stationed in Texas as a chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear specialist.

I have been working on my comic book series, though not near as productive with it as I’d like. Currently I am 21 pages into issue #5.

And of course I’m still tattooing. Check out these two large-scale pieces: