Still At It
It’s been over a year since my last post. Scary health issues were partly to blame, and hopefully an extreme diet change and more exercise has alleviated them. I’m in a much better place now, so let’s look at some work I’ve done. Dwayne Boothe commissioned me to create an oil painting depicting a cyberpunk-style…
Museums and Tattoos
The director of our local museum asked me to paint his old leather jacket. I was able to complete it in a day. He loved it. Speaking of the museum, last year I was asked by the city to paint a utility box that is located at the museum. This is the front side. And…
Snakes and David Bowie
On June 6th I started creating a science fiction comic book called Slag Dogs. It is now October 27th and I have completed 3 issues (100 total pages with around 500 panels). I am taking a break from it now but hopefully will continue working on a new issue soon. I am hoping to get…
Some New Stuff
I recently received an email from a woman named Jill Hoyer who teaches Permanent Makeup tattooing in California. She had been using my app, TattApp, and had made a review video about it. I watched her video and I thought it was great. I had never even considered that it could be useful for the…
Another Iron in the Fire
I’ve been asked to teach a drawing class at our local art center. Since I am a figure drawer and I doubt I can secure a live model for the classes, I have invested in a mannequin for us to draw. Not as good but quite suitable for beginning drawing. I’ve been trying to get…
Keeping the bills Paid
This is a 9” portrait I did of my client’s grandmother from a photo that was taken when she was 18 years old. I’m really happy with this portrait, and I was also happy that I did the entire tattoo in 3 hours and 45 minutes. A woman came to me with a pretty bizarre…
Tattoos and Sleep
The time just goes, doesn’t it? I didn’t realize it had been over two months since my last post. I haven’t been feeling so great for quite some time. My sleep patterns have become erratic. I have changed my eating habits and take my dog for walks every evening, and I want to say I…
Cave Dwelling
With the COVID-19 delta variant sweeping through the world, a massive heatwave outside, and smoke hanging in the air from all the wildfires, I’ve just been hanging out at home with blankets over all the windows when I’m not tattooing. I did venture into town to pick up a couple of my oil paintings that…
Music and Tattoos
I bought a new guitar a couple weeks ago, and it arrived today. It’s beautiful and amazing. The last time I bought a guitar was 15 years ago – my Prestige RG1570 which I still play all the time. Now I have a J.Custom RG8570Z. It’s so pretty that I haven’t even taken it out…
A Creative Life
I think it was the comedian Jimmy Yang’s father who once said, “Everyone does what they hate for money and use the money to do what they love.” I don’t hate my job. Quite the contrary – I have a great job. However when I am not tattooing a client, I am usually not interested…